


 1~12级分级预备、基础、提高 阅读PDF书,以及英语资料部分MP4视频  培生英语资料打包预备、基础、提高1~12级分级阅读PDF书,部分MP4视频 英语学习 第1张  1~12级分级预备、基础、提高 阅读PDF书,以及英语资料部分MP4视频  培生英语资料打包预备、基础、提高1~12级分级阅读PDF书,部分MP4视频 英语学习 第2张  1~12级分级预备、基础、提高 阅读PDF书,以及英语资料部分MP4视频  培生英语资料打包预备、基础、提高1~12级分级阅读PDF书,部分MP4视频 英语学习 第3张  1~12级分级预备、基础、提高 阅读PDF书,以及英语资料部分MP4视频  培生英语资料打包预备、基础、提高1~12级分级阅读PDF书,部分MP4视频 英语学习 第4张


分预备级(35本)、基础级(42本)和提高级(24本),一共101册,配有音频。最早是湖北少儿出版社出版,后来长江少年儿童出版社出版了个 “第二辑”。个人感觉择其一即可。一套买下来200元左右。
《培生儿童英语》两个出版社所选书册一样,长江出版社包装好,价格稍贵些。一共12级 156册,适合3-12岁阅读。
1-6级别,每个级别是16本故事书+1张CD ROM互动光盘+4张DVD光盘+一套学习卡片。

 1~12级分级预备、基础、提高 阅读PDF书,以及英语资料部分MP4视频  培生英语资料打包预备、基础、提高1~12级分级阅读PDF书,部分MP4视频 英语学习 第5张  1~12级分级预备、基础、提高 阅读PDF书,以及英语资料部分MP4视频  培生英语资料打包预备、基础、提高1~12级分级阅读PDF书,部分MP4视频 英语学习 第6张  1~12级分级预备、基础、提高 阅读PDF书,以及英语资料部分MP4视频  培生英语资料打包预备、基础、提高1~12级分级阅读PDF书,部分MP4视频 英语学习 第7张  1~12级分级预备、基础、提高 阅读PDF书,以及英语资料部分MP4视频  培生英语资料打包预备、基础、提高1~12级分级阅读PDF书,部分MP4视频 英语学习 第8张

 ├ 图片精美清晰的培生幼儿园级别单词图片卡1-4级
 ││ Leveled Word Cards G2.pdf
 ││ Leveled Word Cards G3.pdf
 ││ leveled word Cards1-1.pdf
 │└ leveled Word Cards4.pdf
 ├ 培生儿童英语分级阅读3共20本PDF
 ││ Creepy Castle.pdf
 ││ Fire in Wild Wood.pdf
 ││ Flora to the Rescue.pdf
 ││ Olly The Octopus.pdf
 ││ Slug The Sea Monster.pdf
 ││ The Bag of Coal.pdf
 ││ The Big Boots.pdf
 ││ The Big Smowball.pdf
 ││ The Castle.pdf
 ││ The cooking pot.pdf
 ││ The Gingerbread Man.pdf
 ││ The lake of stars.pdf
 ││ The Lost Costume.pdf
 ││ The Magic Trident.pdf
 ││ The old woman who lived in a vinegar bottle.pdf
 ││ The Princess and the Pea.pdf
 ││ The School Fair.pdf
 ││ The Straw House.pdf
 ││ The Ugly Ducking.pdf
 │└ The Wolf and The Kids.pdf
 ├ 培生儿童英语分级阅读(1~6级)视频+音频
 │├ 培生英语第一级
 ││├ 视频
 ││││ AMonsterforMrsOwen.mp4
 ││││ Hideandseek.mp4
 ││││ MrBiggoesonholiday.mp4
 ││││ MrBiggoestothepark.mp4
 ││││ MrBighasaparty.mp4
 ││││ MrBigisabighelp.mp4
 ││││ Peek-a-boo.mp4
 ││││ Thebigmess.mp4
 ││││ Thebigpancake.mp4
 ││││ TheEnormousTurnip.mp4
 ││││ Thelionandthemouse.mp4
 ││││ Thelittleredhen.mp4
 ││││ Theloststorybook.mp4
 ││││ Thelosttoy.mp4
 ││││ TheNaughthamster.mp4
 │││└ Thenewchildren.mp4
 ││└ 音频
 ││ │ A Monster for Mrs Owen.mp3
 ││ │ Hide and seek.mp3
 ││ │ Mr Big goes on holiday.mp3
 ││ │ Mr Big goes to the park.mp3
 ││ │ Mr Big has a party.mp3
 ││ │ Mr Big is a big help.mp3
 ││ │ Peek-a-boo.mp3
 ││ │ The big mess.mp3
 ││ │ The big pancake.mp3
 ││ │ The Enormous Turnip.mp3
 ││ │ The lion and the mouse.mp3
 ││ │ The little red hen.mp3
 ││ │ The lost story book.mp3
 ││ │ The lost toy.mp3
 ││ │ The Naught hamster.mp3
 ││ └ The new children.mp3
 │├ 培生英语第三级
 ││├ 视频
 ││││ Friskyandthecat.mp4
 ││││ Friskyandtheducks.mp4
 ││││ Friskyplaysatrick.mp4
 ││││ Friskywantstosleep.mp4
 ││││ MrMarvelandthecake.mp4
 ││││ MrMarvelandthecar.mp4
 ││││ MrMarvelandthelemonade.mp4
 ││││ MrMarvelandthewashing.mp4
 ││││ Theboywhocrywolf.mp4
 ││││ Theemptylunchbox.mp4
 ││││ ThehareandtheTortoies.mp4
 ││││ Thelostcoat.mp4
 ││││ TheRobots.mp4
 ││││ Thesee-saw.mp4
 ││││ Theselfishdog.mp4
 │││└ ThethreeBillygoats.mp4
 ││└ 音频
 ││ │ Frisky and the cat.mp3
 ││ │ Frisky and the ducks.mp3
 ││ │ Frisky plays a trick.mp3
 ││ │ Frisky wants to sleep.mp3
 ││ │ Mr Marvel and the cake.mp3
 ││ │ Mr Marvel and the car.mp3
 ││ │ Mr Marvel and the lemonade.mp3
 ││ │ Mr Marvel and the washing.mp3
 ││ │ The boy who cry wolf.mp3
 ││ │ The empty lunch box.mp3
 ││ │ The hare and the Tortoies.mp3
 ││ │ The lost coat.mp3
 ││ │ The Robots.mp3
 ││ │ The see-saw.mp3
 ││ │ The selfish dog.mp3
 ││ └ The three Billy goats.mp3
 │├ 培生英语第二级
 ││├ 视频
 ││││ Bingoandthebone.mp4
 ││││ Bingowantstoplay.mp4
 ││││ CleverJoe.mp4
 ││││ DinnerTime.mp4
 ││││ Helpers.mp4
 ││││ Montyandtheghosttrain.mp4
 ││││ MOntyatMcburgers.mp4
 ││││ Montyattheparty.mp4
 ││││ Montyattheseaside.mp4
 ││││ NaughtyJoe.mp4
 ││││ Thebearsandthehoney.mp4
 ││││ Thebigsurprise.mp4
 ││││ Thefoxandtherabbit.mp4
 ││││ Thefoxandthestork.mp4
 ││││ Theoldwomanandthehen.mp4
 │││└ YumYum!.mp4
 ││└ 音频
 ││ │ Bingo and the bone.mp3
 ││ │ Bingo wants to play.mp3
 ││ │ Clever Joe.mp3
 ││ │ Dinner Time.mp3
 ││ │ Helpers.mp3
 ││ │ Monty and the ghost train.mp3
 ││ │ MOnty at Mcburgers.mp3
 ││ │ Monty at the party.mp3
 ││ │ Monty at the seaside.mp3
 ││ │ Naughty Joe.mp3
 ││ │ The bears and the honey.mp3
 ││ │ The big surprise.mp3
 ││ │ The fox and the rabbit.mp3
 ││ │ The fox and the stork.mp3
 ││ │ The old woman and the hen.mp3
 ││ └ Yum Yum!.mp3
 │├ 培生英语第五级
 ││├ 视频
 ││││ Creepcastle.mp4
 ││││ DipperandoldWreck.mp4
 ││││ Dippergetsstuck.mp4
 ││││ Dipperindanger.mp4
 ││││ Dippertotherescue.mp4
 ││││ Fireinwildwood.mp4
 ││││ Grandma'ssuprise.mp4
 ││││ Presents.mp4
 ││││ Thebagofcoal.mp4
 ││││ Thebigsnowball.mp4
 ││││ Thelakeofstars.mp4
 ││││ Themangotree.mp4
 ││││ Thestrawhouse.mp4
 ││││ Theuglyduckling.mp4
 ││││ Thewolfandthekids.mp4
 │││└ Whodidit.mp4
 ││└ 音频
 ││ │ Creep castle.mp3
 ││ │ Dipper and old Wreck.mp3
 ││ │ Dipper gets stuck.mp3
 ││ │ Dipper in danger.mp3
 ││ │ Dipper to the rescue.mp3
 ││ │ Fire in wild wood.mp3
 ││ │ Grandma's suprise.mp3
 ││ │ Presents.mp3
 ││ │ The bag of coal.mp3
 ││ │ The big snow ball.mp3
 ││ │ The lake of stars.mp3
 ││ │ The mango tree.mp3
 ││ │ The straw house.mp3
 ││ │ The ugly duckling.mp3
 ││ │ The wolf and the kids.mp3
 ││ └ Who did it.mp3
 │├ 培生英语第六级
 ││├ 视频
 ││││ Acookingpot.mp4
 ││││ Floratotherescue.mp4
 ││││ Harry'smonkey.mp4
 ││││ Harry'sseal.mp4
 ││││ Harry'ssnake.mp4
 ││││ Harryandelephant.mp4
 ││││ OllytheOctopus.mp4
 ││││ Slugtheseamonster.mp4
 ││││ Thebigboots.mp4
 ││││ Thecastle.mp4
 ││││ TheGingerbreadman.mp4
 ││││ Thelostcostume.mp4
 ││││ ThemagicTrident.mp4
 ││││ TheoldmanlivedinaVinegarBottle.mp4
 ││││ Theprincessandthepea.mp4
 │││└ Theschoolfair.mp4
 ││└ 音频
 ││ │ A cooking pot.mp3
 ││ │ Flora to the rescue.mp3
 ││ │ Harry and elephant.mp3
 ││ │ Harry's monkey.mp3
 ││ │ Harry's seal.mp3
 ││ │ Harry's snake.mp3
 ││ │ Olly the Octopus.mp3
 ││ │ Slug the sea monster.mp3
 ││ │ The big boots.mp3
 ││ │ The castle.mp3
 ││ │ The Gingerbread man.mp3
 ││ │ The lost costume.mp3
 ││ │ The magic Trident.mp3
 ││ │ The old man lived in a Vinegar Bottle.mp3
 ││ │ The princess and the pea.mp3
 ││ └ The school fair.mp3
 │└ 培生英语第四级
 │ ├ 视频
 │ ││ littlerabbit.mp4
 │ ││ LucylosesRedTed.mp4
 │ ││ Maxandtheapples.mp4
 │ ││ Maxandthecat.mp4
 │ ││ Maxandthedrum.mp4
 │ ││ Maxwantstofly.mp4
 │ ││ PiratePeterkeepsfit.mp4
 │ ││ PiratePeterloseshishat.mp4
 │ ││ PriatePeterandthemonster.mp4
 │ ││ PriatePeterandtreasureisland.mp4
 │ ││ RedTedatthebeach.mp4
 │ ││ RedTedgoestoschool.mp4
 │ ││ SamhidesRedTed.mp4
 │ ││ Theantandthedove.mp4
 │ ││ Thesunandthewind.mp4
 │ │└ Thetownmouseandthecountrymouse.mp4
 │ └ 音频
 │  │ little rabbit.mp3
 │  │ Lucy loses Red Ted.mp3
 │  │ Max and the apples.mp3
 │  │ Max and the cat.mp3
 │  │ Max and the drum.mp3
 │  │ Max wants to fly.mp3
 │  │ Pirate Peter keeps fit.mp3
 │  │ Pirate Peter loses his hat.mp3
 │  │ Priate Peter and the monster.mp3
 │  │ Priate Peter and treasure island.mp3
 │  │ Red Ted at the beach.mp3
 │  │ Red Ted goes to school.mp3
 │  │ Sam hides Red Ted.mp3
 │  │ The ant and the dove.mp3
 │  │ The sun and the wind.mp3
 │  └ The town mouse and the country mouse.mp3
 ├ 培生儿童英语情境口语400句
 │├ (上)培生儿童英语情境口语400句
 │││ 01 Big Mouse, Little Mouse.mp3
 │││ 02 Black Cat Stays Out.mp3
 │││ 03 Bully Cat.mp3
 │││ 04 Clown Is Sick.mp3
 │││ 05 Dad at the Beach.mp3
 │││ 06 Dad at the Fair.mp3
 │││ 07 Eddy's Hair.mp3
 │││ 08 Eggs in the Sun.mp3
 │││ 09 Frogs in the House.mp3
 │││ 10 Granny Comes to Stay Again.mp3
 │││ 11 Happy Harriet.mp3
 │││ 12 Molly and Harry.mp3
 │││ 13 Monkey's Ride.mp3
 │││ 14 Mr Magee's Goats.mp3
 │││ 15 Mum at the Market.mp3
 │││ 16 No TV.mp3
 │││ 17 Pop and Roman.mp3
 │││ 18 Sailor Sam and the Captain.mp3
 │││ 19 Spies Go Shopping.mp3
 ││└ 20 Zack's Spots.mp3
 │└ (下)培生儿童英语情境口语400句
 │ │ 01 Aunty Mo's kids.mp3
 │ │ 02 Bear in Trouble.mp3
 │ │ 03 Ben's Bike.mp3
 │ │ 04 Big Hippo and Little Hippo.mp3
 │ │ 05 Black Cat Goes Away.mp3
 │ │ 06 Bob and Billy.mp3
 │ │ 07 Bully Cat and Fat Cat.mp3
 │ │ 08 Cam in the Cave.mp3
 │ │ 09 Dad and the Bike Race.mp3
 │ │ 10 Dad Goes Fishing.mp3
 │ │ 11Jake the Juggler.mp3
 │ │ 12 Lazy Sloth.mp3
 │ │ 13 Molly's Trampoline.mp3
 │ │ 14 Mum's Bag.mp3
 │ │ 15 Owl and Mouse in the House.mp3
 │ │ 16 Sailor Sam Gets Lost.mp3
 │ │ 17 Snake and the Birds.mp3
 │ │ 18 Spy School.mp3
 │ │ 19 Tony's Dad.mp3
 │ └ 20 Uncle Ted's Big Jump.mp3
 ├ 培生英语分级读物绘本 PDF 78册
 ││ Baby Max - Clean-Up Time!.pdf
 ││ Baby Penguins Everywhere.pdf
 ││ Back of the Bus.pdf
 ││ Big Red Lollipop.pdf
 ││ Billy & Milly, Short & Silly.pdf
 ││ Blue Chicken.pdf
 ││ Bump in the Night.pdf
 ││ Bunny Cakes.pdf
 ││ Bunny Days.pdf
 ││ Bunny Money.pdf
 ││ Bunny Party.pdf
 ││ Camping Day.pdf
 ││ Chico the Brave.pdf
 ││ Doug-Dennis and the Flyaway Fib.pdf
 ││ Front Porch Tales & North Country Whoppers.pdf
 ││ Frosty the Snowman.pdf
 ││ Goodnight iPad.pdf
 ││ Groundhog Weather School.pdf
 ││ H Is for Haunted House.pdf
 ││ Hands Around the Library.pdf
 ││ Hansel and Gretel.pdf
 ││ Henry and the Bully.pdf
 ││ Henry and the Valentine Surprise.pdf
 ││ History Dudes Ancient Egyptians.pdf
 ││ Huck Runs Amuck!.pdf
 ││ Ladybug Girl and the Bug Squad.pdf
 ││ Little Dog Lost.pdf
 ││ Llama Llama Red Pajama.pdf
 ││ Look to the Stars.pdf
 ││ Miss Rumphius.pdf
 ││ Mommy Loves Me.pdf
 ││ Moomin and the Moonlight Adventure.pdf
 ││ My Dress Up Box.pdf
 ││ One Cool Friend.pdf
 ││ Pearl and Wagner:Four Eyes.pdf
 ││ Police Officers On Patrol.pdf
 ││ Rapunzel.pdf
 ││ Ready for Anything.pdf
 ││ Red Truck.pdf
 ││ Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.pdf
 ││ Sir Scallywag and the Golden Underpants.pdf
 ││ Skippyjon Jones 1-2-3.pdf
 ││ Skippyjon Jones Shape Up.pdf
 ││ Squish Rabbit.pdf
 ││ Stand Tall, Molly Lou Melon.pdf
 ││ Starry Sky.pdf
 ││ Start Saving, Henry!.pdf
 ││ Surprise Soup.pdf
 ││ T is for Turkey.pdf
 ││ Take Me Out to the Ball Game.pdf
 ││ The 12 Days of Christmas.pdf
 ││ The Bad Apple.pdf
 ││ The Biggest and Brightest Light.pdf
 ││ The Hallelujah Flight.pdf
 ││ The Middle-Child Blues.pdf
 ││ The Mine-O-Saur.pdf
 ││ The Miracle of Easter.pdf
 ││ The Song of Francis.pdf
 ││ The Story of Fish and Snail.pdf
 ││ The Strange Case of the Missing Sheep.pdf
 ││ The Twelve Dancing Princesses.pdf
 ││ The Ugly Duckling.pdf
 ││ The Unforgettable Season.pdf
 ││ Tinga Tinga Tales - When Night Falls.pdf
 ││ Tinga Tinga Tales - When the sun comes up.pdf
 ││ Tinga Tinga Tales - Why Elephant has a Trunk.pdf
 ││ Tinga Tinga Tales - Why Monkeys Swing in the Trees.pdf
 ││ Titanic Sinks!.pdf
 ││ Two Bad Pilgrims.pdf
 ││ Wanda Gag The Girl Who Loved to Draw.pdf
 ││ Wink! The Ninja Who Wanted to Be Noticed.pdf
 ││ Women Explorers.pdf
 ││ Wonder Bear.pdf
 ││ Yellowstone Moran.pdf
 ││ Zak the Yak.pdf
 │├ Madeline
 │││ Madeline原始.pdf
 ││└ Madeline文字加深图片饱和.pdf
 │└ The Snowy Day PDF MP3 MP4
 │ │ The Snowy Day.mp3
 │ │ The Snowy Day.mp4
 │ └ The Snowy Day.pdf
 ├ 培生英语基础级 PDF书籍
 │├ 培生幼儿英语基础级A
 │││ A01 Hare and Tortoise go to School.pdf
 │││ A02 A toy for Vik.pdf
 │││ A03 Where is little Bo Peep.pdf
 │││ A04 Quiet in the library.pdf
 │││ A05 Elvis and the Scooter.pdf
 │││ A06 My Wild Woolly.pdf
 │││ A07 Ben's Brilliant Birthday.pdf
 │││ A08 Clean-Up Day.pdf
 │││ A09 Go and Get It!.pdf
 │││ A10 Josie ang the Cake Sale.pdf
 │││ A11 What a Catch.pdf
 │││ A12 Look at Me!.pdf
 │││ A13 Mister Wolf's Plan.pdf
 │││ A14 Too Many Pets.pdf
 │││ A15 Furball to the Rescue.pdf
 │││ A16 Animal Babies.pdf
 ││└ A17 Day and Night.pdf
 │├ 培生幼儿英语基础级B
 │││ B01 Good night.pdf
 │││ B02 Ruby Red and Sky Blue.pdf
 │││ B03 The Ugly Duckling.pdf
 │││ B04 I Dont't Want To.pdf
 │││ B05 Big Bad Wolf.pdf
 │││ B06 I Love Rocks.pdf
 │││ B07 Slurp! Burp!.pdf
 │││ B08 When I Grow Up.pdf
 │││ B09 Welly Dancing.pdf
 │││ B10 Josie and the Bully.pdf
 │││ B11 Feelings.pdf
 ││└ B12 Looking at Materials.pdf
 │└ 培生幼儿英语基础级C
 │ │ C01 The Jumping Jester.pdf
 │ │ C02 Sniffy.pdf
 │ │ C03 Slug Makes a House.pdf
 │ │ C04 Snap Happy.pdf
 │ │ C05 Shoo!.pdf
 │ │ C06 Who Will Marry Maisie.pdf
 │ │ C07 Amber's Big Dog.pdf
 │ │ C08 Whoops!.pdf
 │ │ C09 Barker.pdf
 │ │ C10 Why Cats Hunt at Night.pdf
 │ │ C11 How Moon Tricked Sun.pdf
 │ │ C12 How to Make a Clown Costume.pdf
 │ └ C13 Night Animals.pdf
 ├ 培生英语预备级 PDF书籍
 ││ 001At the Park-.pdf
 ││ 002My Cushion-.pdf
 ││ 003Super Car-.pdf
 ││ 004Happy Birthday Josie-.pdf
 ││ 005The Princess and the Dragon-.pdf
 ││ 006Greedy Giant-.pdf
 ││ 007At the Vet.pdf
 ││ 008Abracadabra.pdf
 ││ 009I Like Cars.pdf
 ││ 010Dirty Dog.pdf
 ││ 011Something Fishy.pdf
 ││ 012What is it.pdf
 ││ 013All Fall Down.pdf
 ││ 014Sports Day.pdf
 ││ 015Minibeasts.pdf
 ││ 016Fish Colours.pdf
 ││ 017Face Painting.pdf
 ││ 018Big and Little.pdf
 ││ 019Fruit Salad.pdf
 ││ 020A Jumper for James.pdf
 ││ 021Big Monster is Running Away.pdf
 ││ 022What is in the box_0001.pdf
 ││ 023I wish I was a bat.pdf
 ││ 024The Cow Jumped Over the Moon.pdf
 ││ 025Curly and the Log.pdf
 ││ 026Look Out!.pdf
 ││ 027The Perfect Pet.pdf
 ││ 028Up the Tree.pdf
 ││ 029Supermarket on Mars.pdf
 ││ 030What a Clown.pdf
 ││ 031The Hungry Dragon.pdf
 ││ 032Feeding Time.pdf
 ││ 033Time for Bed.pdf
 ││ 034Fish Fact.pdf
 │└ 035When I Was a Baby.pdf
 └ 培生英语(预备、基础、提高级,1—12级) MP3音频
  ├ 培生儿童英语 第1、2辑音频文件
  │├ 培生儿童英语分级阅读 第一辑
  │││ A Monster for Miss Owen.mp3
  │││ Hide and seek.mp3
  │││ Mr Big goes on holiday.mp3
  │││ Mr Big goes to the park.mp3
  │││ Mr Big has a party.mp3
  │││ Mr Big is a big help.mp3
  │││ Peek-a-boo.mp3
  │││ The Big Mess.mp3
  │││ The Big Pancake.mp3
  │││ The Enormous Turnip.mp3
  │││ The Lion and the Mouse.mp3
  │││ The Little Red Hen.mp3
  │││ The Lost Storybook.mp3
  │││ The lost toy.mp3
  │││ The Naughty Hamster.mp3
  ││└ The New Children.mp3
  │└ 培生儿童英语分级阅读 第二辑
  │ │ Big Surprise - Normal_mix.mp3
  │ │ Bingo and bone - Normal_mix.mp3
  │ │ Bingo wants to play - Normal_mix.mp3
  │ │ Clever Joe.mp3
  │ │ Dinner Time.mp3
  │ │ Helpers.mp3
  │ │ Monty and ghost train - Normal_mix.mp3
  │ │ Monty at Mcbergers - Normal.mp3
  │ │ Monty at the party - Normal_mix.mp3
  │ │ Monty at the seaside - Normal_mix.mp3
  │ │ Naughty Joe.mp3
  │ │ The Bears and the Honey.mp3
  │ │ The Fox and the Rabbit.mp3
  │ │ The Fox and the Stork.mp3
  │ │ The Old Woman and the Hen.mp3
  │ └ Yam Yam - Normal.mp3
  ├ 培生儿童英语 第5、6辑音频文件
  │├ 培生儿童英语分级阅读 第五辑
  │││ Bag of call - Normal_mix.mp3
  │││ Big snow ball - Normal.mp3
  │││ Creepy Castle 5 - Normal.mp3
  │││ Diper and Old Wreck.mp3
  │││ Dipper Gets Stuck.mp3
  │││ Dipper in Danger.mp3
  │││ Dipper to the Rescue.mp3
  │││ Fire in wild wood - Normal.mp3
  │││ Grandma's Surprise.mp3
  │││ Presents.mp3
  │││ The Lake of Stars.mp3
  │││ The Mango Tree.mp3
  │││ The Straw House.mp3
  │││ The Ugly Duckling.mp3
  │││ The Wolf and the Kids.mp3
  ││└ Who Did it.mp3
  │└ 培生儿童英语分级阅读 第六辑
  │ │ Castle - Normal_mix.mp3
  │ │ Flora to the Rescue.mp3
  │ │ Harry's Elephant.mp3
  │ │ Harry's Monkey.mp3
  │ │ Harry's Seal.mp3
  │ │ Harry's Snake.mp3
  │ │ Olly the Octopus.mp3
  │ │ School fair - Normal_mix.mp3
  │ │ Slug the Sea Monster.mp3
  │ │ The Big Boots - Normal_mix.mp3
  │ │ The Cooking Pot.mp3
  │ │ The Gigerbread Man.mp3
  │ │ The last costume - Normal_mix.mp3
  │ │ The Magic Trident.mp3
  │ │ The Pld Woman Who Lived in a Vinerar Bottle.mp3
  │ └ The Princess and the Pea.mp3
  ├ 培生第10级
  │└ 培生英语分级阅读10
  │ │ 01 Jake, Ace Detective.mp3
  │ │ 02 The Monster in the Cupboard.mp3
  │ │ 03 Tom's Birthday Treat.mp3
  │ └ 04 Why Tortoise Has a Cracked Shell.mp3
  ├ 培生第11级
  │└ 培生英语分级阅读11
  │ │ 01 Akbar's Dream.mp3
  │ │ 02 Standing Tall.mp3
  │ │ 03 Storm at Sea.mp3
  │ └ 04 The Wrong Words.mp3
  ├ 培生第3、4级
  │├ 培生儿童英语分级阅读 第三辑
  │││ Empty lunch - Normal.mp3
  │││ Frisky and cat - Normal.mp3
  │││ Frisky and ducks - Normal.mp3
  │││ Frisky plays a trick - Normal.mp3
  │││ Frisky wants to sleep - Normal_mix.mp3
  │││ Lost Coat - Normal.mp3
  │││ Mr Marvel and the Cake.mp3
  │││ Mr Marvel and the Car.mp3
  │││ Mr Marvel and the Lemonade.mp3
  │││ Mr Marvel and the Washing.mp3
  │││ Robots - Normal.mp3
  │││ Seesaw - Normal.mp3
  │││ The Boy Who Cried Wolf.mp3
  │││ The Hare and the Tortoise.mp3
  │││ The Selfish Dog.mp3
  ││└ The Three Billy Goats.mp3
  │└ 培生儿童英语分级阅读 第四辑
  │ │ Little Rabbit.mp3
  │ │ Lucy Loses Red Ted.mp3
  │ │ Max and the Apples.mp3
  │ │ Max and the Cat.mp3
  │ │ Max and the Drum.mp3
  │ │ Max Wants to Fly.mp3
  │ │ Pirate Pete and the monster - Normal_mix.mp3
  │ │ Pirate Pete and the treasure island - Normal_mix.mp3
  │ │ Pirate Pete keeps fit - Normal_mix.mp3
  │ │ Pirate Pete loses his hat - Normal_mix.mp3
  │ │ Red Ted at the Beach.mp3
  │ │ Red Ted Goes to School.mp3
  │ │ Sam Hides Red Ted.mp3
  │ │ The Ant and the Dove.mp3
  │ │ The Sun and the Wind.mp3
  │ └ Thw Town Mouse and the Country Mouse.mp3
  ├ 培生英语分级阅读12
  │└ 培生英语分级阅读12
  │ │ 01 Deep Water.mp3
  │ │ 02 Greyfriars Bobby.mp3
  │ │ 03 Jumble the Puppy.mp3
  │ └ 04 Star Striker.mp3
  ├ 培生英语预备+基础+提高
  ││ 001 At the park.mp3
  ││ 002 My cushion.mp3
  ││ 003 Supper car.mp3
  ││ 004 Happy birthday josie.mp3
  ││ 005 The Princess and the Dragon.mp3
  ││ 006 Greedy giant.mp3
  ││ 007 At the Vet.mp3
  ││ 008 Abracadabra.mp3
  ││ 009 I like cars.mp3
  ││ 010 dirty dog.mp3
  ││ 011 Something Fishy.mp3
  ││ 012 what is it.mp3
  ││ 013 All fall down.mp3
  ││ 014 Sports day.mp3
  ││ 015 Minibeasts.mp3
  ││ 016 Fish colours.mp3
  ││ 017 Face Painting.mp3
  ││ 018 Big and Little.mp3
  ││ 019 fruit salad.mp3
  ││ 020 a jumper for james.mp3
  ││ 021 big monster is nunning away.mp3
  ││ 022 what isinthebox.mp3
  ││ 023 iwishwasabat.mp3
  ││ 024 the cow jumped over the moon.mp3
  ││ 025 curly and the log.mp3
  ││ 026 look out.mp3
  ││ 027 the perfect pet.mp3
  ││ 028 up the tree.mp3
  ││ 029 supermarket on mars.mp3
  ││ 030 what a clown.mp3
  ││ 031 the hungry dragon.mp3
  ││ 032 feeding time.mp3
  ││ 033 time for bed.mp3
  ││ 034 fish facts.mp3
  ││ 035 when i was a baby.mp3
  ││ 036 Hare and tortoise go to schoo.mp3
  ││ 037 A toy for Vik.mp3
  ││ 038 Where is little bo peep.mp3
  ││ 039 Quiet in the library.mp3
  ││ 040 elvis and the scooter.mp3
  ││ 041 My wlld wooly.mp3
  ││ 042 Ben's Brilliant Birthday.mp3
  ││ 043 Clean up day.mp3
  ││ 044 Go and Get it.mp3
  ││ 045 Josie and the cake sale.mp3
  ││ 046 what a catch.mp3
  ││ 047 look at me.mp3
  ││ 048 Mister wolf's plan.mp3
  ││ 049 Too many pets.mp3
  ││ 050 Furball to the rescue.mp3
  ││ 051 Animal babies.mp3
  ││ 052 day and night.mp3
  ││ 053 Goodnight.mp3
  ││ 054 Ruby red and sky blue.mp3
  ││ 055 the ugly duckling.mp3
  ││ 056 I dont't want to.mp3
  ││ 057 Big bad wolf.mp3
  ││ 058 I love rocks.mp3
  ││ 059 Slurp burp.mp3
  ││ 060 when i grow up.mp3
  ││ 061 Welly dancing.mp3
  ││ 062 Josie and the bully.mp3
  ││ 063 Feelings.mp3
  ││ 064 Looking at Materials.mp3
  ││ 065 The Jumping Jester.mp3
  ││ 066 sniffy.mp3
  ││ 067 Slug Makes a House.mp3
  ││ 068 Snap Happy.mp3
  ││ 069 Shoo.mp3
  ││ 070 Who will marry maisie.mp3
  ││ 071 Amber's big dog.mp3
  ││ 072 Whoops.mp3
  ││ 073 Barker.mp3
  ││ 074 why cats hunt at night.mp3
  ││ 075 How moon tricked sun.mp3
  ││ 076 how to make a clown.mp3
  ││ 077 Night Animals.mp3
  ││ 078 why bears have short tails.mp3
  ││ 079 Otto's Lunchbox.mp3
  ││ 080 why Islands Dont's Swim.mp3
  ││ 081 Time for Lunch.mp3
  ││ 082 Home Sweet Home.mp3
  ││ 083 Helter-Skelter.mp3
  ││ 084 Pasta.mp3
  ││ 085 Then and Now.mp3
  ││ 086 Scruff.mp3
  ││ 087 Mrs Bean.mp3
  ││ 088 Tim and the Tooth Fairy.mp3
  ││ 089 What's that Noise.mp3
  ││ 090 Bananas for Breakfast.mp3
  ││ 091 Ice Cream Dream.mp3
  ││ 092 A Look at Pets.mp3
  ││ 093 Life Cycle of a swan.mp3
  ││ 094 The Nutcracker.mp3
  ││ 095 The Beaver's Tail.mp3
  ││ 096 Lessons From Lester.mp3
  ││ 097 Granny Gadget.mp3
  ││ 098 Presto's New Pet.mp3
  ││ 099 How the Elephant Got its Trunk.mp3
  ││ 100 On safari.mp3
  │└ 101 Amazing whales.mp3
  ├ 培生阶梯读物7
  │└ 培生阶梯读物7
  │ │ 01 The New Boy.mp3
  │ │ 02 Bouncer Comes to Stay.mp3
  │ │ 03 The Cricket Bat Mystery.mp3
  │ │ 04 The Next Door Neighbour.mp3
  │ │ 05 Mamba and the Crocodile Bird.mp3
  │ │ 06 Duma and the Lion.mp3
  │ │ 07 Kiboko and the Water Snake.mp3
  │ │ 08 Twiga and the Moon.mp3
  │ │ 09 The Magic Boots.mp3
  │ │ 10 The Magic Coat.mp3
  │ │ 11 The Magic Shoes.mp3
  │ │ 12 The Magic Hat.mp3
  │ │ 13 The Frog Prince.mp3
  │ │ 14 The Elves and the Shoemaker.mp3
  │ │ 15 The Tug of War.mp3
  │ └ 16 The Pied Piper.mp3
  ├ 培生阶梯读物8
  │└ 培生阶梯读物8
  │ │ 01 The Highland Games.mp3
  │ │ 02 The Highland Cattle.mp3
  │ │ 03 Rescue at Sea.mp3
  │ │ 04 Lost in the Mist.mp3
  │ │ 05 The Bear That Wouldn't Growl.mp3
  │ │ 06 The Snake That Couldn't Hiss.mp3
  │ │ 07 The Shark with No Teeth.mp3
  │ │ 08 The Elephant That Forgot.mp3
  │ │ 09 Kim and the Computer Mouse.mp3
  │ │ 10 Kim and the Computer Giant.mp3
  │ │ 11 Kim and the Missing Paint Pot.mp3
  │ │ 12 Kim and the Shape Dragon.mp3
  │ │ 13 Ali, Hassan and the Donkey.mp3
  │ │ 14 The Tiger and the Jackal.mp3
  │ │ 15 Little Red Riding Hood.mp3
  │ └ 16 The Three Wishes.mp3
  └ 培生阶梯读物9
   └ 培生阶梯读物9
    │ 01 Big Barry Baker on the Stage.mp3
    │ 02 Big Barry Baker in Big Trouble.mp3
    │ 03 Big Barry Baker and theBullies.mp3
    │ 04 Big Barry Baker's Parcel.mp3
    │ 05 City Cat.mp3
    │ 06 Canal Boat Cat.mp3
    │ 07 Cobra Cat.mp3
    │ 08 Cherry Blossom Cat.mp3
    │ 09 The Magic Carpet.mp3
    │ 10 Voyage into Space.mp3
    │ 11 Adventure at Sea.mp3
    │ 12 Journey into the Earth.mp3
    │ 13 The Two Giants.mp3
    │ 14 Hansel and Gretel.mp3
    │ 15 Jack and the Beanstalk.mp3
    └ 16 The Little Girl and the Bear.mp3
 1~12级分级预备、基础、提高 阅读PDF书,以及英语资料部分MP4视频  培生英语资料打包预备、基础、提高1~12级分级阅读PDF书,部分MP4视频 英语学习 第9张  1~12级分级预备、基础、提高 阅读PDF书,以及英语资料部分MP4视频  培生英语资料打包预备、基础、提高1~12级分级阅读PDF书,部分MP4视频 英语学习 第10张  1~12级分级预备、基础、提高 阅读PDF书,以及英语资料部分MP4视频  培生英语资料打包预备、基础、提高1~12级分级阅读PDF书,部分MP4视频 英语学习 第11张  1~12级分级预备、基础、提高 阅读PDF书,以及英语资料部分MP4视频  培生英语资料打包预备、基础、提高1~12级分级阅读PDF书,部分MP4视频 英语学习 第12张  1~12级分级预备、基础、提高 阅读PDF书,以及英语资料部分MP4视频  培生英语资料打包预备、基础、提高1~12级分级阅读PDF书,部分MP4视频 英语学习 第13张  1~12级分级预备、基础、提高 阅读PDF书,以及英语资料部分MP4视频  培生英语资料打包预备、基础、提高1~12级分级阅读PDF书,部分MP4视频 英语学习 第14张  1~12级分级预备、基础、提高 阅读PDF书,以及英语资料部分MP4视频  培生英语资料打包预备、基础、提高1~12级分级阅读PDF书,部分MP4视频 英语学习 第15张  1~12级分级预备、基础、提高 阅读PDF书,以及英语资料部分MP4视频  培生英语资料打包预备、基础、提高1~12级分级阅读PDF书,部分MP4视频 英语学习 第16张  1~12级分级预备、基础、提高 阅读PDF书,以及英语资料部分MP4视频  培生英语资料打包预备、基础、提高1~12级分级阅读PDF书,部分MP4视频 英语学习 第17张  1~12级分级预备、基础、提高 阅读PDF书,以及英语资料部分MP4视频  培生英语资料打包预备、基础、提高1~12级分级阅读PDF书,部分MP4视频 英语学习 第18张

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